Sunday, July 3, 2011

Start / Stop ESX VM's from PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a powerful tool for handling the VM's from Local/Remote Systems.
Here, I write a simple batch file to call the powershell script(ps1). The powershell script contains the logic for connecting the ESX server, Getting a VM and start the VM. We can also control the VM for Stop/Suspend.

Stop-VM -VM VMName
Suspend-VM -VM VMName

The following Example, to start the VM from Powershell. We need to install Powershell and VSphere PowerCLI tool in our local PC where we are going to execute the command.

Create a Batch file test1.bat in anywhere in to your System.

C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psc
"C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\vim.psc1"
-c C:\Veeam\StartServer.ps1

Write a PowerCLI command to connect and start a VM.

Connect-VIServer -Server -User root -Password veerasekar

#Checking if VM(CentOS5.2_thin) are running, if not powering the VM on

$VM = Get-VM CentOS5.2_thin

if ($VM.PowerState -ne "PoweredOn")

Write-Host "$VM is starting"

Start-VM -VM $VM

write-output "$VM was started" (get-date)

sleep 300

Finally, You just click the test.bat file, it executes the powershell command what we have created in StartServer.ps1 file.

Climb Inc,
System Engineer,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MySQL Authentication String error

If you see MySQL authentication error during installation. It is very simple to fix the error.
The following error appeared in the error dialog box when you click the Execute button.
Error. 1364 "field authentication string doesn't have a default value"
First, we have to log in through the command prompt.
C:/>mysql -u root -p
Enter password : *****
mysql>use mysql;

ALTER TABLE user CHANGE COLUMN authentication_string authentication_string TEXT NULL COLLATE utf8_bin AFTER plugin;

After that, again start the installation configuration wizard from the MySQL Installation menu from Start.
Now the process will be successfully complete.

System Engineer,
Climb Inc, Tokyo.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lotus Notes for EspressChart

EspressChart is a powerful set of tools for creating and deploying dynamic charts. EspressChart makes it easy to create polished, compelling charts, and renders them in virtually any environment, platform, or configuration. EspressChart includes a powerful design interface with extensive data connection tools, which allows users to query a data source, and plot a chart in an easy-to-use point and click environment. EspressChart also includes a robust, object-oriented API that allows users to easily incorporate dynamic charts and the Chart Designer into applications, JSPs, and servlets.

Required Software’s:-

1. Lotus Notes (Version 8+)

2. Domino Server(Version 8+)

3. Domino Designer(Version 8+)

4. EspressChart (

Notes Databases and the Domino Web Server:-

Notes interact with a Notes database over the web using commands in

the query string of a URL. Start the Domino Server when you start to work with Notes Application. It has LDAP, HTTP and DIIOP servers.

Domino Designer:-

Lotus Domino Designer is application development software that allows developers to rapidly build and deploy security-rich, multiplatform collaborative and business applications. An easy to use template model, integrated authentication, and drag-and-drop assembly features are a small set of the capabilities available in this high productivity application development environment. Plus, Lotus Domino Designer 8 software dramatically expands the development methodologies available, providing you with even more choice and flexibility when building your business solutions. IBM Lotus Domino Administrator is client software for system administrators that allow you to configure, monitor, and administer Lotus Domino servers locally or remotely.

1. Start the Domino Designer from the Programs menu.

2. Create the fields in the form.

3. Create Views in the Designer.

4. Feed the input data in the input boxes.

5. Display the input data’s in the view.

EspressChart for


EspressChart includes a powerful design interface with extensive data connection tools, which allows users to query a data source, and plot a chart in an easy-to-use point and click environment. EspressChart also includes a robust, object-oriented API that allows users to easily incorporate dynamic charts and the Chart Designer into applications, JSPs, and servlets. EspressChart has been certified 100% Pure Java™, and uses no native libraries, allowing charts to be rendered on virtually any platform. EspressChart can directly connect to JDBC/ODBC data sources (including Excel spreadsheets), and can also draw data from text and XML files, or even EJBs. For even more flexibility, users can pass data sets to a chart directly as an argument or array. At run-time, charts can be rendered in a number of popular image formats including GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, & SWF, or displayed in applets for full interactivity.

EspressChart API imported in the Notes program and generates the Chart. One of the major advantages of developing in Java is the abundance of high quality open source libraries available to help you dramatically cut development time.

Managing external Java dependencies in Domino Design

Putting external JAR files in the jvm/lib/ext folder under your binary Notes directory affords you the same universal availability of the classes as the JavaUserClasses setting but without having to manually edit the notes.ini file. This possibility was introduced with Notes 6. Putting the classes in the jvm/lib/ext folder has some additional advantages when it comes to security but that's for another post.

Create a Chart using Notes database:

1. Write a java code to make a chart using Notes database data.

Open the eclipse editor and write a java code.

2. Execute a java program from the Eclipse console.

EspressChart/LotusNotes in Tomcat Server:-

1. Write a java script in the Button click Event. The Event calls the servlet on the Tomcat server.

2. Puts all the necessary libraries on the ECTEST/WEB-INF/lib folder.

Example: Notes.jar, EspressAPI.jar and qblicense.jar

3. Click the Submit button.

4. Chart has been generating in the Tomcat server and it’s appeared in the Notes browser.


EspressChart gets the Notes database data, notes Java APIs provides the functionalities to get the notes data. EspressChart generates the chart using Notes database. It has no limitation to extend the capabilities.



Product Support Engineer,

Climb Inc,

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Call Remote Systems using Windows Powershell

Powershell for Remote Systems

Windows Powershell is a good component in the windows system. We can use powershell to call a remote system to execute a application without interfere the remote system. It is more secure and flexible.

How do connect a Remote PC using Powershell?
We need an IP, UserID and Password for the remote PC also install Powershell in local PC.

Start a Powershell with Administrator privileges option. Select a Powershell option in the windows and right click it. There is an option for Administrator privileges.

Type the following commands in the powershell prompt.

get-service winrm
Enable-PSRemoting -force

You need to add a trusted hosts(Remote Hosts) in the powershell.

winrm s winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts=""}'
Here is an IP address for remote host.

$s=new-PSSession -Computername -Credential Administrator

Then windows system Login wizard appeared, it shows the Login ID and Password text boxes. Provide the correct credentials in the wizard.
Type the command

Enter-PSSession $s

Now it shows remote login command prompt, you can change the directory, start /stop services and applications.
Here I start remote application job using the following commands.
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
$job=get-VBRJob | where {_.Name -eq "Backup Job 4"}
Start-VBRJob -Job $job

It start the job and return the results.

If you want to set the timeout for certain period.

Start-sleep 60

Here 60 is 60 seconds.

Product Support Engineer,
Climb Inc,

Veeam Backup and Replication software for VMware ESX VM backup software. No.1 product in the virtual world.


EspressReport provides an easy-to-use application programming interface (API) that enables users to create and customize reports within their own applications (and applets), be it server-side or client-side. It is written in 100% Pure Java, and thus can be run on any platform with none or minimal changes. Any and every part of the report is customizable using the API. You can use as little as a single line of code to generate a report.
Puts report development in the hands of information consumers, not developers, Can easily run reports without writing code, Includes many powerful reporting and charting features including parameterization, drill-down, custom functions, scripting, and over 30 different chart types.
Secure Reports
Information on the report can be changed by passing in a Security parameter,
when creating the report. The security levels are created in Designer and the
appropriate security level is passed, using the API.

Sub-Reports, Charts and Drill Down Reports
We can save Reports, Sub-Reports, Charts and Drill Down Reports in a single template file, it is easy to deploy into the web application especially for Java. Java is platform independent so we can make a web service component and use any platform it may support web service.

Modifying Report Attributes
Adding New Cells, Adding Images/Charts, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding GridLines and Lines,
Modifying a Column to Show Bar Codes and cell scripts. The bar code symbolizes supported are Code 39, UPC A, EAN 13, Interleaved 2 of 5 and Codabar.

The patches are jar files and import into the lib folder in our application. It reduces the developers coding and improve the productions in the enterprise. very detailed user guide with different level of source codes to utilize in developers application.

Product Support Engineer,
Climb Inc,