Monday, July 26, 2010

Oracle Tuning Tips for Performance

These rules are simple but easy to follow and will yield lots of benefits:

  • Do not index every column in the table - have only those indexes, which are required.

  • Distribute your data to parrallelise the IO operations among multiple disks especially for those tables which have lots of IO's.

  • Try to avoid large data retrievals, since if the data being retrieved from a table is more than 10%-20% of the total data, Oracle will most likely do the FST.

  • Never do a calculation on an indexed column (e.g., WHERE salary*5 > :myvalue).

  • Whenever possible, use the UNION statement instead of OR conditions.

  • Avoid the use of NOT IN or HAVING in the WHERE clause. Instead, use the NOT EXISTS clause.

  • Always specify numeric values in numeric form and character values in character form (e.g., WHERE emp_number = 565, WHERE emp_name = 'Jones').

  • Avoid specifying NULL in an indexed column.

  • Avoid the LIKE parameter if = will suffice. Using any Oracle function will invalidate the index, causing a full-table scan.

  • Never mix data types in Oracle queries, as it will invalidate the index. If the column is numeric, remember not to use quotes (e.g., salary = 50000). For char index columns, always use single quotes (e.g., name = 'NAME').

  • Remember that Oracle's rule-based optimizer looks at the order of table names in the FROM clause to determine the driving table. Always make sure that the last table specified in the FROM clause is the table that will return the smallest number of rows. In other words, specify multiple tables with the largest result set table specified first in the FROM clause.

  • Avoid using subqueries when a JOIN will do the job.

  • Use the Oracle "decode" function to minimize the number of times a table has to be selected.

  • To turn off an index you do not want to use (only with a cost-based optimizer), concatenate a null string to the index column name (e.g., name||') or add zero to a numeric column name (e.g., salary+0). With the rule-based optimizer, this allows you to manually choose the most selective index to service your query.

  • If your query will return more than 20 percent of the rows in the table, use a full-table scan rather than an index scan.

  • Always use table aliases when referencing columns.

  • Best regards,
    Product Support Engineer,

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